Products > Loans > Agricultural & Allied Loan
Agricultural and Allied Loans facilitate the agricultural activities of rural farmers in respect of cultivation of different crops, horticulture, floriculture, apiculture, animal husbandry, dairy, poultry, fish farming and other related activities. The loan is also issued for the purpose of farm mechanization, agri-irrigation etc. The main objective of these types of loan is to mitigate financial needs of rural agriculturists for the purpose of any agricultural activity oriented schemes as mentioned. These types of loan are issued on Short Term (ST) or Medium Term (MT) basis depending on the agricultural activity oriented schemes subject to fulfilment of terms & conditions as laid down in the loan policy of the Bank.
JLG Loan: Collateral free agricultural loan may also be sanctioned to Small and Marginal Farmers, Tenant Farmers, Oral Lessee, Landless Labourers and Artisans etc. by forming of Joint Liability Groups (JLGs) to provide self-employment in rural areas, increase in agricultural production and also to mitigate the credit risk by way of group dynamics, peer pressure, credit discipline and cluster approach subject to fulfilment of terms & conditions as laid down in the loan policy of the Bank.
For more details contact to your nearest branch of our Bank or Primary Agricultural Co-operative Society (PACS).
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